Oil Paintings Pastel paintings Gouache paintings Watercolor paintings Acrylic paintings Pencil paintings People Nature Nude Cities and countries Flowers Scenery Still life Abstraction Sea Animals Mixed media OtherCities and countries
At a time when many are looking for a little peace, tranquility and harmony among the concrete jungle, admiring pictures with views of nature, there are thousands of connoisseurs of urbanism in all its best forms. The aesthetics of metal, glass and concrete, the aesthetics of the metropolis have become familiar and understandable for those who are used to and enjoy the frantic urban pace of life.
When it comes to the beauties of a modern city, all attention is paid to the architectural structures, which have already become a "visiting card", or to the magnificent and breathtaking panoramic views. This approach, as a rule, works for photography and modern modular paintings, but it is also often found among classical paintings.
If you want to choose something more unique and colorful - not a problem, among the works of contemporary artists, you can find much more interesting and unusual city landscapes than standard subjects. It is precisely such works that convey the atmosphere of various cities in the best way: paintings depicting old streets and quarters, industrial areas or even a sleepy morning in the center of a metropolis seem almost alive.
Pictures on the theme of cities and countries allow the person looking at them to make a fascinating journey to anywhere in the world in just a second. Despite the seeming prosaicity, such canvases are a worthy choice for both an inveterate traveler, so simply a dreamer and connoisseur of beauty. Add to your interior a painting depicting a small southern town, the center of one of the world's capitals, an unfamiliar narrow street or the famous Brooklyn Bridge. Whatever you choose, based on your tastes and the interior of your room, you will undoubtedly give yourself the opportunity to travel a little without leaving the walls of your home.
Which image should you choose? Should we give preference to more replicated and recognizable urban landscapes or choose a painting with a rarer and more atmospheric plot? Juicy and bright colors of southern countries or coolness, steel and grayness of megacities? If you still do not know what exactly will suit you, and will also fit into the interior of your home or office, then be sure to look at the works in our catalog. We are more than sure that there you can find not only something that will leave you not indifferent, but you will find an excellent idea (and more than one) for a gift to your dear people.