Terms of Service
These Terms of Service for posting ads on ArtCompass ("Terms") apply the terms defined in the User Agreement.
These Terms may be changed by ArtCompass at any time without notice to the User. Using the service of free posting of Ads after making the appropriate changes means the unconditional consent of the User with them and establishes for him the corresponding obligations and responsibility for compliance with the Terms.
1. General provisions
ArtCompass provides the User with the opportunity to post Product Advertisements on the ArtCompass Website on the terms and in compliance with the requirements established by these Terms, the User Agreement and other rules and documents governing the use of ArtCompass.
Advertisements are placed by any User registered in the manner established by ArtCompass on the Site for free.
ArtCompass has the right to set a limit on the number of free ads for certain categories and regions (limit). Upon reaching this limit, placement of ads in the relevant categories and regions is carried out for a fee, subject to the Terms of Paid Ad Placement.
All Advertisements posted by the User, the ability to edit, delete, unpublish, activate, perform other actions with the Ad are available to the User in the Personal Account on the Site.
The Ads placed in accordance with these Terms are displayed in the search results in the general list simultaneously with the Ads of other Users, similar in content, query or other parameters of the Ads.
2. Terms of posting Ads and obligations of the User
The Seller undertakes to post Advertisements in accordance with the instructions on ArtCompass and provide accurate and complete information about the Product and the conditions of its sale (use, purchase, etc.). By placing an Advertisement, the User confirms that he has the right to dispose of the Goods or to carry out other actions in relation to the Goods specified in the Advertisement.
In order to maintain the high quality of the Services, ArtCompass reserves the right to limit the number of active ones, i.e. User's Ads on ArtCompass available for viewing by third parties, as well as to restrict User's actions on ArtCompass.
The User has the right to sell the Products belonging to him on ArtCompass, provided that this does not require special permissions, and also subject to the current User Agreement.
Ads about Products, the sale of which violates the current legislation of Ukraine, contradicts generally accepted moral standards, is offensive or inappropriate, or does not comply with ArtCompass policy, are prohibited on ArtCompass.
The User is obliged to independently make sure that the sale of the Goods does not violate the provisions of the current legislation and is allowed by the User Agreement, having familiarized himself with the contents of the list of prohibited goods, the rules for placing advertisements, the requirements for Advertisements and other documents, governing the provision of Services on the Site.
The Seller is obliged to carefully check all information about the Goods specified in the Announcement, and, if incorrect and / or incomplete information is found, add the necessary information to the description and / or conditions of sale of the Goods in the Announcement or correct incorrect information by editing the Announcement.
The description of the Goods specified by the Seller in the Announcement, its cost and an offer to conclude a deal in relation to the Goods constitute the terms of sale of this Goods.
It is prohibited to leave any links to pages of Internet sites in the Ads, except for the cases when such links are necessary in order to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
Terms of sale and description of the Goods specified in the Announcement must not contradict the current legislation and the User Agreement, both at the time of placing the Announcement and in the future, including possible changes in the Announcement, changes in the provisions of the current legislation Ukraine and other circumstances.
The User undertakes not to include in the Advertisements information about the services provided by:
- ArtCompass has the right to move, terminate or extend the period of displaying the Announcement for technical reasons that are under the counterOlem or out of the control of ArtCompass.
ArtCompass has the right to stop displaying any Announcement at any time.
Advertisements posted by the Seller on ArtCompass, at the sole decision of ArtCompass, may additionally be published on the websites of ArtCompass partner companies. When placing User Ads, ArtCompass has the right to apply ArtCompass logos / watermarks to the photos provided by the User.
The User is prohibited from posting Ads on ArtCompass, to make or execute a transaction using the ArtCompass Services, which may lead to violation of ArtCompass and / or the User of the current legislation of Ukraine.
3. Information provided by the User when placing Ads
The information provided by the User when placing the Ads must be complete, reliable, consistent with the proposed Product and the Seller's actual intentions in relation to such Product, not allowing ambiguous or double understanding.
Information provided by the User, including when placing Ads, and any of his actions on ArtCompass should not:
-be false, inaccurate or misleading;
- to facilitate fraud, deception or abuse of trust;
-lead to transactions with stolen or fake items;
- violate or encroach on the property of a third party, his trade secret or his right to privacy;
-contain information that offends someone's honor, dignity or business reputation;
-contain slander or threats to anyone;
-call to commit a crime, as well as incite ethnic hatred;
-to facilitate, support or encourage terrorist and extremist activities;
-to be obscene or pornographic;
-contain computer viruses, as well as other computer programs aimed, in particular, at causing harm, unauthorized intrusion, secret interception or appropriation of data of any system, or the system itself, or its part, either personal information or other data (including data from ArtCompass or other Users);
- harm ArtCompass, as well as become the reason for the complete or partial loss of ArtCompass services of Internet providers, or services of any other persons;
- violate the intellectual rights of third parties, the right to the image of a citizen and other material and intangible rights of third parties;
- otherwise violate the current legislation of Ukraine.
4. Compliance
ArtCompass may selectively check the Ads for compliance with the requirements of these Terms and the User Agreement at any stage of placing the Ads, both at the time of creating and sending the Ad for publication, and in the process of displaying it on the Site.
If it detects signs of violation of the provisions established by ArtCompass and the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, ArtCompass has the right to refuse to place the Advertisement - to stop displaying the Advertisement, block it and provide the User with the opportunity to eliminate the violations, block the Ads without the possibility its editing, as well as restrict and / or block the User's access to his Personal Account.
5. Warranties and Liability
The User is responsible for compliance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine when using the service for posting Advertisements provided for in these Terms, the User Agreement and other provisions established by ArtCompass and posted on the Site.
By placing an Advertisement in accordance with these Terms, the User guarantees that he has the necessary rights to the Goods in respect of which the offer is placed, to any actions with such Goods, including posting relevant information about the Goods on Site.
The User is solely responsible for the sale of the Products, the offers of which are posted by him on ArtCompass and any consequences thereof.
ArtCompass is not a Seller and / or intermediary of transactions, withperformed by the Users based on the information received on ArtCompass, and therefore is not responsible for any transactions concluded between the Users when using ArtCompass, and their consequences.
The User is responsible for the compliance of the Product with the characteristics, quality, safety declared in the Announcement, as well as for the legality and ability of the Seller to sell the Product.
All claims to the Goods, to the content of the Announcement, User information and any other requirements to the Seller within the framework of transactions concluded with such a Seller, based on the information posted by the Seller on the Site, are resolved by the Seller on their own and at its own expense, without the participation of ArtCompass, since ArtCompass is not a party to such transactions.
In view of the gratuitousness of using the service for placing Ads in accordance with these Terms, the provisions of the legislation on consumer protection do not apply to the relationship between ArtCompass and Users arising in connection with the use of the Site and specified in these Terms service.